solar renewable energy credits


Learn about the process of generating and selling SRECs for rooftop solar owners.

Updated on:
August 4, 2024

What you need to know



Every 1,000 kW (or 1MW) your system generates, you create 1 SREC that can be sold. This helps you pay off your solar faster and creates passive income for you.

What's the current price per SREC





Which markets can you sell SRECs?

When can you start selling SRECs?

How long are SREC eligible?

Example: If a credit is generated July 2024, how long before it expires?

When are credits issued?

What type of credits are issued?

State Renewable Target (%)

Eligible Energy Sources

Reporting Year

SREC Program Details in


An AEC is created each time a qualified alternative energy facility produces 1,000 kWh of electricity. The AEC is then sold or traded separately from the power and allows EDCs and EGSs to procure AECs to meet their compliance obligations. Solar Alternative Energy Credits (AECs) are similar to SRECs but in the state of Pennsylvania.

Currents serves as a broker between certified alternative energy generators (homes and businesses with solar) and Pennsylvania’s electricity distribution companies (EDCs) or electricity generation suppliers (EGSs).

AECs are tracked and transferred using the PJM Environmental Information Services Inc. (PJM-EIS) Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS).

The verified meter reading submitted at the time of application will be the starting point to earn AECs. Facilities with 15 kW DC capacity or less, interconnected prior to May 18, 2017, that did not receive funding from the PA Sunshine program, and do not have a Revenue Grade Meter may be eligible to produce SRECs (Solar AECs) from estimated generation based on PV Watts estimates.

A facility must use actual, metered production if the facility is equal to or greater than 15kW, has a revenue-grade PV meter installed, or if the facility is composed of adjustable tilt PV modules or laminate PV modules, or if the facility was interconnected on or after May 18, 2017.

The SREC Process

Start earning with SRECs

Discover Earnings